El continente australiano fue conquistado por J Alvarez.

 The "El Toque de Midas" tour, featuring Puerto Rican musician J lvarez, is now making stops in a variety of international locations.

Following his groundbreaking performance in Manizales, Colombia, the artist toured major cities in Australia, including Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, from November 1-7.

The "El Toque de Midas" tour is transporting the Puerto Rican musician J lvarez to many different places throughout the world.

Following his groundbreaking performance in Manizales, Colombia, the artist toured major cities in Australia, including Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, from November 1-7.

In Australia, "The Owner of the System" concluded a week of spectacular presentations to sold-out crowds who had a chance to see the performance and hear all of the Puerto Rican tunes.

The interpreter's "El Toque de Midas" Tour will continue through the end of the year and into 2023.

New York City, followed by other locations such as Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, will soon be treated to a demonstration of J lvarez's brilliant staging.

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